The Importance of Early Screening

When you think of November, a lot comes to your mind. You remember how you get to meet up with your family members, the big meals you share, not to forget the cold weather that has everybody enjoying their warm beverages. That is beside the point. There is a big event that takes place this month known as Movember.

Movember is among the most significant fundraisers held to promote men’s health. This is where men get encouraged to own their health by making early screening a priority, changing their lifestyles, and fostering a caring community. Men engage in growing out mustaches, and that is one of the ways through which they raise funds. 

ECCO empowers men by offering them options that will allow them to take control of their health. Much emphasis is on prostate health. We have our endovascular specialists.

During Movember, our endovascular specialists do not grow out mustaches; instead, they come prepared to handle the concerns of men. They are experts in minimally invasive procedures, allowing men to have options in the treatment process.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The prostate is one of the male organs. This organ surrounds the urethra. When a man becomes older, his prostate can start enlarging. A prostate exerts much pressure on the urethra.

For this reason, the man begins experiencing problems while urinating. The force also comes with other symptoms that include:

  • Sudden urgent needs to urinate
  • Starting or controlling urination becomes difficult
  • Frequent urination at night
  • Weak or interrupted urination

The symptoms above cause much disruption to a man’s life, which is why early screening is essential.

BPH Treatment

You do not need any treatment when the symptoms are mild. In other instances, the issue cannot go untreated; the patient must take daily medication. The medicine may fail to treat the problem completely.

At that point, there could also be signs of damage from BPH. The patient goes through endoscopic surgery recommended by the doctor, and the surgery takes place through the penis. Alternatively, the patient undergoes traditional surgery to correct the issue.

Going through that kind of surgery can be devastating and uncomfortable for most men. In that case, there is no need to worry. At ECCO, we provide Prostate Artery Embolization, allowing our clients to get a solution in a more dignified manner.

Most of the patients are eligible to go through PAE. Prostate Artery Embolization is an outpatient procedure. It is also minimally invasive, and the doctors do it through a small needle puncture in the patient’s wrist or hip area. It involves moderate sedation, and the period you recover is minimal.

Having gone through PAE, patients report that they have gotten relief from the symptoms in two to four weeks. This process gives patients much psychological comfort, given that nothing gets inserted into the penis.

Are You a PAE Candidate?

We want to walk through the journey of healing together with you. Since most patients are eligible, you will only need to come. Let us begin by performing a complete examination that will help us ascertain that PAE is the most appropriate treatment and then advise you accordingly.